Most of my single feng shui clients tell me they are looking for love. Occasionally, though, I get a request purely for feng shui to create better sex. Where feng shui is concerned, is it just two nightstands or a lack of clutter under a bed that will increase the libido? Will lighting candles be enough to “set a fire” in the bedroom? Is it enough to say that pink sheets = romance? Nope. None of these “tips” really strike at the core of sex and the physical connection that it implies; they are all supportive of the cause, but they are incomplete and more passive than active. The Kama Sutra, which is quoted endlessly by modern sex bibles, films, and more, emphasized the importance of ritual in setting the stage in preparation for a higher passion quotient. While variety is amazing in the bedroom, a practiced set of rituals, performed much like daily exercise, can affect how you flow with sex in your life. What new rituals can you install in your life at home to give your sex life a boost? Oysters? Chocolate? Lingerie? Sure. Yet beyond the basics, how can you find the rituals that can open your life up to a greater flow of sex? Cultivating great habits of self-love keep you always in the ready. Self-indulgences – even the smallest of indulgences – go a long way in stoking the flames. Without further ado, here are five fun rituals to make the ancient sex gods proud that you can adapt to your life to create the most synergy and power in your sex life, setting you up for some powerful bedroom feng shui: Have fun whipping up your personalized version of sensual rituals, and practice them with joie de vivre. Your radiance, confidence and magnetism will likely turn heads. Once you have your sexy in order, you can start implementing more feng shui basics in the bedroom to take things to the next level. The fun is just beginning! She’s a Stanford-educated art historian with more than a decade of experience in design yet her approach to space is simple. Claudat is a longtime mindbodygreen contributor and instructor (she may have had a hand in the hundreds of plants in mindbodygreen headquarters!), and her work has been featured in design and lifestyle publications around the world. You can work with her from wherever you are in the world in her online Feng Shui Camps and through her Online Feng Shui Consultations. You can sign up for her weekly Feng Shui Rituals, including rituals for every New and Full Moon, right here!

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