But just because you didn’t do gymnastics when you were younger and aren’t yet an advanced yoga practitioner doesn’t mean you can’t start doing handstands starting today. So whether you do them against a wall or manage to do freestanding ones, here are five reasons why you should do handstands every day: To build up strength, start by holding a handstand against a wall for three sets of 5 to 10 seconds. Work up to holding them for a minute or two at a time. Practice often, and watch as your upper body strength skyrockets. Practicing freestanding handstands or doing handstands against a wall and trying to take your feet off the wall for as long as possible will help increase your balancing abilities like no other exercise can. Another way handstands can help your mood is by reducing the production of the stress hormone, cortisol, which can not only de-stress you in the short-term but could also help relieve feelings of sadness and anxiety. Since staying upside down forces you to stabilize your muscles, you’re constantly working your abs, as well as other key muscle groups such as your hip flexors, hamstrings, inner thigh muscles, obliques and lower back while in a handstand. Training handstands every day will get you a well balanced, super strong core. Not only that, the upside-down nature of a handstand can increase circulation to your upper body, while relieving pressure on your feet and legs and stretching your diaphragm at the same time, which in turn can increase blood flow to your lungs. From trying her first push up in college, to teaching herself to do pull ups and handstands, Krista is living proof of her philosophy that everybody is an athlete. She has helped tens of thousands of people to unlock their full athletic potential through her 12 Minute Athlete HIIT Workouts app and 12 Minute Athlete blog. You can find her @12minuteathlete on all social platforms.

5 Handstand Benefits   Why You Should Do Them Every Day - 295 Handstand Benefits   Why You Should Do Them Every Day - 895 Handstand Benefits   Why You Should Do Them Every Day - 23