Unpleasant situations are the consequence of lingering karma, which can always be reversed and resolved. If you want to erase the energy carried over from former lifetimes, you need to acknowledge these five properties of past-life karma first: But when you do dig through your karmic suitcase, then finally, you can confront your outstanding karma and lighten your energetic load. That’s why it’s important to acknowledge the role of each person in your life: Why are they there? What have they come to teach you and vice versa? What is the karma you’re meant to experience with this person? The sooner you acknowledge the truth of the karma you share with someone (whether it’s good or bad), the sooner you can settle it. Your actions throughout your various lifetimes become the circumstances of your being, so do your best to live this life authentically and truthfully. This calls for honest introspection and evaluation of your own faults and weaknesses, which is admittedly hard to do. Don’t be afraid to look within. Recognize what must be changed inside of you so as to change what’s outside of you. Then, you can modify your behavior to end karmic patterns and progress in your potential. Past-life karma is resoundingly present in your current life. Mustering up the courage to open your karmic suitcase today can change your destiny for lifetimes to come.

5 Ways Karma From Your Past Lives Affects You Today - 845 Ways Karma From Your Past Lives Affects You Today - 455 Ways Karma From Your Past Lives Affects You Today - 505 Ways Karma From Your Past Lives Affects You Today - 95