Then he said something I didn’t expect: He said we should live our lives as if we have six months left to live. I immediately felt better in my gridlock. Hey traffic, you don’t bother me anymore; screw you! Dr. Dyer said that six months is a good time frame to work with, because at the end of life many have said that the whole thing feels like it was six months…or the blink of an eye. How would you live? What would you do? Who would you be? If we had only six months left: Maybe you wouldn’t do a damn thing differently. If this is the case, can we please go out for a glass of wine tomorrow night? You know where to find me. I want to surround myself with people who are living this way. Alive and on purpose. In the comment section below share who you would be, what you would do, how you would live. But, more importantly, go out and live. Enjoy every moment, and laugh more (especially at yourself).

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