Since I see patients every day, the last thing I want to do is walk into a consultation with a stuffed-up nose to tell other people how to be healthy. Because of this, every time I feel a cold coming on, I have a specific regimen that usually kicks my immunity into high gear and allows me to avoid the cold completely—or at least greatly reduce it to only a couple of days of mild symptoms. Here’s exactly what I do when I need to kick a cold in the butt! I’ll switch out a few cups of my green tea throughout the day and replace it with dandelion tea. It’s filled with B vitamins designed to amp up my detoxing methylation pathways. I add blueberries, cilantro, and parsley to my morning smoothie, and I end up eating a few more handfuls of blueberries throughout the day as a snack. Chaga is also one of my favorites, as it works as an immune-balancer4 and an antiviral against viruses like the flu. Turkey tail is another intense immune booster, as it has been successfully used to boost the immune systems of cancer patients. I like to sauté these and eat them as a side dish with my meals. Or, if you aren’t a fungus lover, you can get mushroom powders to add into smoothies. A cutting-edge nutrition deep dive taught by 20+ top health & wellness experts

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