If you’ve been itching to join the running community, it may seem simple enough (you just put one foot in front of the other, right?). But if you’ve never pounded the proverbial pavement before, you may have a few lingering questions. To home in on that form, posture and foot placement are key, says Danny Mackey, the head coach of Brooks Beasts pro running team. “Form is nuanced to the individual,” he says, “but I would advise to make sure when you start, you’re looking 10 to 20 meters ahead (not down or up) to maintain posture, and try to use your entire foot when you land. The sensation should feel as if you’re rolling through the foot.” Mackey also suggests taking a short video of yourself running, if you can. This will give you a visual representation, in addition to a physical one. “As you continue to run and get stronger and more flexible from it, continue to videotape yourself and see how you naturally improve.” And don’t forget about your breathing form, as well. “You will want to find your own rhythm of inhaling and exhaling, using one key running muscle—your diaphragm,” says Fayette. “I recommend starting at a pace that feels extremely comfortable, so you can focus on your breathing.” She suggests a “conversational pace” which simply means you’re going slow enough that you could hold a convo with a running buddy. Fayette also advises against listening to podcasts or music during every run when you’re first starting out. “By going noiseless, you’re able to become a bit more aware of your breathing rate and stride.” Mackey agrees that going to a specialty run shop is your best bet since the staff is generally well versed in the mechanics of running and can help you find an optimal pair of shoes. That said, “knowing the current climate we’re living in with lots of retailers closed across the country, a second-best option would be to check out a virtual version, like Brooks’ online shoe finder,” he says, “to help guide you in the direction of your perfect shoe.” Oh, and don’t forget to grab a pair of comfortable, sweat-wicking socks (check out our list of top-notch running socks.) As for clothing, Mackey suggests investing in a few good running outfits to help you feel comfortable, supported, and eager to head outdoors for a run. “Ensure the materials are light, and allow for a good range of motion when you’re moving so you won’t feel restricted,” he says. The type of clothing will vary depending on the season, but a few good staples include sweat-wicking tights (check out our favorite running leggings here), lightweight shorts (some options here), supportive sports bras, breathable tanks, and a solid, water-resistant jacket. If you happen to have some extra funds to spend, Mackey adds that a GPS watch can also be beneficial. There are a number of brands to choose from: Garmin Forerunner 45 , Fitbit Charge 4, and the Apple Watch Series 5 are great options to consider. Also, if you love to listen to music while you work out (which can also help keep you motivated), consider adding Bose SoundSport Free wireless headphones to your gear collection. This pair is water-resistant, lightweight, and offers a comfortable fit—which is crucial for run-friendly headphones. “Deciding what to eat and drink beforehand will be different for every runner and will alter based on the duration and difficulty of the planned run,” says Fayette. “I recommend you play around with your fuel until you find what works best for you.” She also recommends refueling right after your workout to help with recovery. “My go-to post-run meal is oatmeal with chocolate protein powder and berries,” says Fayette. “The oatmeal provides complex carbs to helps me replenish depleted energy stores, and the protein is necessary for building and repairing my muscles.” Mackey says it’s also important to opt for healthy, nutrient-rich foods, to keep your body feeling great before and after a run. And, equally important, remember to stay hydrated. In addition to water, be sure to replenish with electrolytes—especially after a long or challenging run. Nuun tablets are a great option to try: you simply drop them in a glass or bottle of water, and they dissolve into a tasty, electrolyte-packed drink. But that doesn’t have to be the case. While there’s no guaranteed way to fully prevent risk of injury, Mackey recommends being patient with yourself, especially during the first month of training. “Don’t feel the need to progress quickly,” he says. “Your heart and lungs tend to get fit quicker than the muscles, tendons, and ligaments, so embrace taking it a bit easy and including recovery days.” Fayette is a fan of setting small goals to focus on. “I recommend starting with a run/walk combination for a shorter duration of time, then build on the running time and duration of the workout as you go.”  Most importantly, says Fayette: “Listen to your body.” (Read more about preventing common running injuries here.) If you’re running at night or early in the morning, in low-light or dark conditions, make sure you’re visible to vehicles. One of the best ways to do so is by wearing reflective clothing or accessories. As for weather, “You should avoid running in the rain during thunderstorms, heavy winds, and freezing conditions,” says RRCA-certified running coach Raj Hathiramani, an instructor with Aaptiv and Mile High Run Club. “Storms can result in flying debris and lightning that make it unsafe to run outside.” In less severe conditions, like mild rain, “Pay more attention to the surfaces you run on, especially any painted lines on asphalt, muddy trails, ice, and flooding,” Hathiramani advises. “Consider shortening your stride to be more in control of your form.”  For winter workouts, specifically, check out our complete guide to cold weather running. He generally likes to have runners focus on time versus miles when it comes to daily goals (think 20 minutes of running versus 2 miles), but this plan also includes a weekly timed mile, to help check on your progress. Whether you’re brand-new to running or just coming back from a hiatus, this beginner running plan can help you find your stride: Just remember that running is also a mental workout, says Mackey. “If you want to stop a planned workout early, ask yourself if it is your mind that wants to quit or your body. If it is your body, then stop the workout early, but if it is your mind—try to push through,” he says. “I use the saying ‘strong, stronger, strongest’ a lot while coaching myself and others,” says Fayette. “We start strong by setting the initial goal. We become stronger by putting in the work mentally and physically. We become our strongest when we accomplish the set goal.”

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