But what happens if, one day, you peek and you see black poop? Your mind will probably go in a hundred different directions. While there may be cause for concern, it’s also possible that there are less scary explanations. Asking yourself the right questions is the way to figure out what steps you need to take when it comes to black poop. Another good idea? Incorporate proven supplementation to increase your bowel health. In clinical studies1, curcumin combined with turmerones has been shown to be a stellar choice to provide superior absorption and reduce inflammatory compounds in the intestines. In addition, a tannin-free French grapeseed extract, standardized to contain small molecular OPCs—those compounds found in grapeseeds that stop oxidative damage and reduce inflammation—can also produce a positive effect on the digestive tract and small intestines. Study after study continually tout highly absorbable curcumin and French grapeseed extract2 as stealthy warriors in the fight for exceptional intestinal and digestive health. The bottom line? When you poop, it’s important that you peek. And after you peek, take appropriate action if you notice black poop. When you notice something—don’t panic. Follow these simple steps to find peace of mind: As a research pioneer, Goel is a member of the American Association for Cancer Research and the American Gastroenterology Association. He is also on the international editorial boards of Gastroenterology, Clinical Cancer Research, Carcinogenesis, PLoS ONE, Digestive Diseases and Sciences, Scientific Reports, Epigenomics, Future Medicine, Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, and World Journal of Gastroenterology. Goel further serves on various grant funding committees for the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and several international organizations. In addition to a thriving career in medicine, Goel is a big supporter of the movement for more simple, natural foods and improved dietary practices. He also works privately with an organization in India to provide food, shelter, education, and care for orphaned children.

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