Their new study, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), builds on past research that identified a specific protein formation present in the blood of patients with active AD. As this new study observed, these protein formations can be seen years or even decades before symptoms begin. It’s important to note that this study was conducted on a limited group, ultimately predicting symptom onset for 10 individuals. While these results are promising, more research on a larger group of people is necessary to fully confirm the validity of this study’s findings. “What clinicians and researchers have wanted is a reliable diagnostic test for Alzheimer’s disease—and not just an assay that confirms a diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, but one that can also detect signs of the disease before cognitive impairment happens,” senior author Valerie Daggett, Ph.D., said in a news release. “What we show here is that SOBA may be the basis of such a test.” Fortunately, we already know that a healthy lifestyle reduces the risk of developing AD3 by helping individuals avoid risk factors consistent with the later development of AD. These risk factors include obesity, excessive alcohol use, tobacco use, and depression. While there’s currently no cure for AD, treatments to help delay the disease’s progression have been shown to be relatively effective.  In the meantime, you can take the steps below every day to protect your body and mind and boost your cognitive function:

New Blood Test May Detect Alzheimer s Long Before Symptoms Start - 30New Blood Test May Detect Alzheimer s Long Before Symptoms Start - 9New Blood Test May Detect Alzheimer s Long Before Symptoms Start - 22New Blood Test May Detect Alzheimer s Long Before Symptoms Start - 51New Blood Test May Detect Alzheimer s Long Before Symptoms Start - 40