The bottom line is: you need your fair share of these high-profile fats in order to feel your best.* If that’s the extent of your knowledge about omega-3s, don’t sweat it; you’ve come to the right place. Consider this your one-stop guide to all things omega-3s, from what they really are and what the difference between EPA and DHA is to why they’re so important for your body and how to get more of them (because, nope, eating fish isn’t your only option). Salmon, anchovies, herring, sardines, mackerel, and albacore tuna all land in the higher-fat fish category, delivering a great source of marine omega-3s EPA and DHA. Specifically, omega-3s fall into a category of long-chain unsaturated fats called polyunsaturated fatty acids2 (aka PUFAs) that are found in fish and a variety of plant foods (but that’s ALA; more on that later). You can’t really compare them apples to apples, though. “They are simply different chemical compounds with different biological actions,” explains Harris. On a chemical level, ALA is 18 carbons long whereas EPA and DHA are 20 and 22 carbons long, respectively. Because of this, consuming foods high in ALA is not an effective way to get the EPA and DHA we need, Harris says. In fact, he believes it’s nearly impossible to achieve optimal EPA and DHA levels by consuming ALA alone.* And that belief is rooted in published clinical evidence5. That said, ALA has its own benefits independent of its ability to transform into EPA and DHA. In addition to supporting the body’s anti-inflammatory pathways and promoting brain health and mood, research has even recently linked ALA with longevity.* It contributes to the often-talked-about health benefits of omega-3s, including but not limited to supporting immune function, cardiovascular and joint health, and fetal development7.* In terms of reproductive and perinatal health, it is important for a healthy pregnancy9 and supports male fertility.* Research also suggests that DHA is the omega-3 that interacts most with cholesterol10.* Plus, consumption of omega-3s, in general, is also associated with eye health later in life12.* In fact, consuming EPA and DHA combined may reduce the risk of CHD (coronary heart disease) by helping to lower blood pressure.† One serving of omega-3 potency+ provides 1.5 grams of EPA and DHA, an amount ample enough to contribute to this cardiovascular role. They may also support various aspects of mood and mental well-being.* Some research, for example, suggests that omega-3s support the body’s ability to respond to and cope with feelings of stress16.* One report17 even suggests that health care practitioners who help clients’ optimize their mental well-being consume enough omega-3s.* Not sure which fish to turn to? Functional physician Mark Hyman, M.D., recommends using the acronym SMASH (which stands for “salmon, mackerel, anchovies, sardines, herring”) when stocking your fridge with fresh filets and pantry with canned and tinned fish. That doesn’t mean that people who don’t consume animal products are out of luck, though. Since sea plants like algae are the original source of omega-3s for fish, you can get EPA and DHA by consuming them as well. In fact, many algal oils available these days are great sources of DHA20, in particular. You can get ALA, meanwhile, from a variety of plant foods, including walnuts, flaxseeds, flaxseed oil, and edamame21. Of course, many people turn to supplements in order to up their intake of omega-3s, whether from fish or plant sources. The most popular options out there: fish oils for omnivores and algae (algal oils) for strict vegans. For specific recommendations, check out our omega-3 supplement roundup. As a result, “the typical American has an omega-3 index of 4 to 6%, whereas the typical Japanese and Korean person falls between 8 and 12%,” he says. (A level equal to or greater than 8% is considered optimal.)* Achieving an optimal omega-3 index, Harris says, would require most Americans to consume about 1,000 to 1,500 milligrams of EPA+DHA per day—a far cry from the average current intakes in this country. Indeed, mbg’s vice president of scientific affairs Ashley Jordan Ferira, Ph.D., RDN, shares that, “Nationally representative data proves how low our fish intake truly is, with more than 90% of Americans22 failing to consume the recommended (baseline starting point) two servings of fish per week, which equates to roughly 500 mg of EPA plus DHA daily. On average, as a country, we’re actually eating less than 90 mg of these marine omega-3s23 per day.” She goes on to say, “Mind you, we actually need a 1,000 milligram-plus to optimize heart and whole-body health throughout life. That superior amount of omega-3s is the equivalent of eating a fish a day.”* Bottom line: Unless you plan on incorporating fish into your daily meal plan, a high-quality omega-3 supplement (that contains a potent, science-backed dose of EPA and DHA) is a must.* Here’s the deal: While omega-6s play a role in brain development and function (among other things), they also promote inflammatory pathways in the body. This isn’t a bad thing, as long as we maintain the proper balance of omega-6s and omega-3s. That’s where things get a little hairy. While research suggests the optimal balance is a 2:117 ratio of omega-6s to omega-3s, the average American diet has a ratio closer to 10:1 or even as high as 20:117, highlighting that many Americans could benefit from cutting back on omega-6s and seriously boosting their consumption of omega-3s.* As Ferira puts it: “Striking a balance of these PUFAs is critical. Pro tip: You’ll want to dial down the omega-6 fats, and dial up the omega-3s. Our nation’s health would be greatly benefited if Americans tipped the fats equation in this way.”* According to Harris, having too little omega-3 in your diet (and therefore in your blood and tissues, organs, systems, and whole-body) contributes to suboptimal cardioprotection, cognition, (musculoskeletal health, vision, etc.) and overall vitality.* And though ALA, EPA, and DHA all offer individual benefits, it’s important to keep in mind that loading up on ALA is certainly not a replacement for getting your EPA and DHA in, too. In many cases, supplementing with a properly dosed fish oil is important for getting ample amounts of EPA and DHA into the cells and tissues in your body that need them on the daily.*

Omega 3 Fatty Acids  What They Are  Types  Benefits  Sources - 3Omega 3 Fatty Acids  What They Are  Types  Benefits  Sources - 65Omega 3 Fatty Acids  What They Are  Types  Benefits  Sources - 88Omega 3 Fatty Acids  What They Are  Types  Benefits  Sources - 45