While auras (and their respective colors) are always changing, shifting, and evolving, many people have a predominant color or colors that consistently manifest in their energy field. These gentle folks embody the “fairy energy of the world,” Merrick adds, and they’re definitely sensitive souls—which isn’t a bad thing. Merrick likens their sensitivity to a superpower, as they’re very in touch with their emotions and the emotions of others, making very compassionate people. Seeing pink in your aura is a sure sign your heart chakra is open and receptive and you’re showing up in the world in a loving way. And if you were to begin working specifically with the heart chakra, you may start to feel more pink and green energy in your field. Pink auras can also have a proclivity for gossip, and “vulnerability hangovers” as she puts it, which can make them feel insecure. And of course, to those who don’t appreciate their sensitive nature, they can be seen as soft or weak, but Merrick says that’s just a matter of others’ perspectives. “It’s really an energy that can have you feel your feelings,” she adds. It’s all a matter of setting appropriate boundaries when needed while not letting the world harden your soft spirit. Plus, as mentioned, pink is literally associated with the heart chakra. Kathryn Grace, founder of Aura Shop, previously explained to mbg that the heart “houses compassion and the energy of forgiveness. It is also the access to divine mind and intuition.” So as you can imagine, folks with pink auras make great partners, as they’re emotionally intuitive, sensitive, romantic, and loving, to boot. Whatever this aura color is doing, they’re likely wearing their heart on their sleeves, being vulnerable, and helping others do the same. They’re like your personal cheerleader or advocate and will praise you for everything from your beauty to your expression. Just remember, they can be sensitive, and it’s not uncommon for these heart-centered people to, well, take things to heart.

Pink Aura Meaning  How This Color Fares In Love  Life   More - 81Pink Aura Meaning  How This Color Fares In Love  Life   More - 82Pink Aura Meaning  How This Color Fares In Love  Life   More - 34