This movement through the astrological ages is a backward motion, so it goes from Pisces to Aquarius. Nobody is certain when or if the official shift from Pisces to Aquarius occurred—and it’s thought to be a lengthy transition—but many agree that it happened over the last few decades and we are, in fact, living in the Aquarian age.  As we move deeper into the Age of Aquarius, the values that humanity has organized around must change to reflect the current astrological age. Change of this magnitude can be very uncomfortable, and we’re all feeling it right now. The old Piscean systems must collapse so we can restructure our world to reflect the values of the new age.  Aquarius is known for its progressive vision and socially conscious orientation. The Age of Aquarius is about collaboration, equality, idealism, freedom, and open access to information. The Aquarian journey is a collaborative effort for the betterment of all. In the Aquarian Age, there is nothing to believe in outside of oneself, and reality is based on knowing as opposed to believing. The new age is about looking within to find truth. Rather than selecting leaders to represent us all, raising them on pedestals and blindly following, leadership is about finding the wisdom within and acknowledging that we are all leaders. Collectively, we are not well. And we are conditioned to believe that the solutions to our dis-ease are outside ourselves: trained professionals, medications, research articles, books, blogs, etc. In the Piscean age, the path to well-being involves gaining access to highly protected, often expensive information that is not universally accessible. And as we move deeper into the Aquarian age, this orientation to health will no longer be relevant. In the Age of Aquarius, well-being must be accessible to all. There are no secrets. It’s about knowing that all the information to create great health is within you and you can heal yourself. Everyone is a healer. This doesn’t mean we’ll no longer need trained specialists or expert opinions—but it does mean that one’s personal experience and inner knowing will be highly valued. Becoming a healer will be about looking within and learning to trust what you already know. The Age of Aquarius invites us to stop looking outside of ourselves for answers and learn to listen to the wisdom within. Here are five practices that can help you get started: Eastern philosophy threads through all of Matluck’s work. Combining over a decade of experience working in conventional and alternative medicine, she brings a truly holistic lens to medicine, addressing the physical, mental, emotional and spiritual obstacles to health. Prior to opening a private practice in New York City, Matluck spent eight years at One Medical Group and has delivered onsite wellness workshops at countless prominent companies. She is also the founder of Seven Senses, where she leads transformational wellness experiences throughout the world.

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