Warning — when these “should bombs” are falling, pay attention. They can get pretty messy. Suddenly we find ourselves basing decisions and the direction of our life on what we believe other people expect of us, or what we think is the “right" thing to do. Now, we’re aching for freedom, the world’s longest vacation on a tropical island, and the winning lottery ticket. Sound familiar? This means it’s time to change it up! Sound a little scary yet liberating? Like you’re going on an adventure you’ve dreamed of? Fantastic! Let’s get started. It begins with creating your own rules. Yep, go ahead, get deep with yourself for a hot minute and figure out what’s really important to you. Don’t think about what society, your parents, or even your friends have told you is important. Ask yourself these questions: Now, start integrating. Baby steps. It’s the subtle shifts that create radical change. Start with one thing you can do during the week that will help you feel more joyful. Does it seem too scary? I’m going to give you a little nudge here. The world needs you, your unique gifts, your unique personality, your unique laugh, your unique quirks, all of it. And the more you give yourself permission to be more you, the more you inspire others to do the same.

Why You Should Do Whatever You Want In Life - 35Why You Should Do Whatever You Want In Life - 11Why You Should Do Whatever You Want In Life - 87